How to lead a team that doesn't report to you.

Published on : 3rd May 2023

How to lead a team that doesn't report to you.

Managing or leading a team is a challenging task that requires a range of skills, including communication, delegation, and motivation. However, leading a team that doesn't report to you directly can be even more difficult.

It requires a different approach that focuses on trust and building relationships.




One of the most critical aspects of managing a team that doesn't report directly to you is communication. You need to establish clear lines of communication and make sure everyone is on the same page. 

Regular meetings, either in-person or virtual, are essential to keep everyone informed about progress, challenges, and expectations.




Another crucial factor in leading an indirect team is establishing trust. Building a relationship with team members based on mutual respect and trust is key to ensuring they are motivated and committed to the project's success. 

To build trust, it's essential to be transparent, honest, and open to feedback. You should also be supportive and provide guidance when needed.




Delegation is another important aspect of managing an indirect team. You need to ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities and that they have the resources they need to succeed. 

However, it's important to avoid micromanaging and give team members the freedom to use their skills and knowledge to achieve the project's objectives.




Motivating an indirect team can be challenging, as you don't have the same level of control over them as you would with a direct team. However, there are several strategies you can use to keep them motivated. 

Providing regular feedback, recognising achievements, and creating a positive work environment can all contribute to maintaining team morale.




Finally, it's crucial to remain flexible and adaptable when managing or leading an indirect team. You need to be able to adjust your approach to meet the team's changing needs and priorities. 

This may require you to be creative in finding solutions to problems and to be willing to make adjustments to the project's goals and objectives.


Managing a team that doesn't report directly to you requires a different approach than managing a direct team. Communication, trust, delegation, motivation, and flexibility are all essential elements of successful management. 

By following these guidelines, you can build a strong and effective team that achieves its objectives and contributes to your organisation's success.