Protecting Your Team from Internal Poaching

Published on : 20th September 2023

Protecting Your Team from Internal Poaching

In today's dynamic business environment, the concern of internal departmental poaching has emerged as a pressing issue within many organisations. Safeguarding your team from being lured away by other internal departments is critical to your success.

However, it’s also important not to let people feel demotivated because of a block on an internal move that they are keen on and lose them altogether. So it’s a balancing act and open comms with other teams and departments is critical.

We hope these tips help you implement strategies that protect your team from internal departmental poaching while fostering an atmosphere of cooperation and worker retention.


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Invest in Employee Development


Encourage continuous learning and professional training within your team. When team members see opportunities for advancement and skill enhancement within your team, they will feel increased loyalty.


Have Transparent Career Paths


Clearly communicate career progression opportunities within your team. People are more likely to stay when they know their potential career trajectory.


Recognise and Reward


Over and above any company-wide scheme, recognise and reward outstanding performance within your team. Feeling valued and appreciated motivates individuals to stay loyal to your department.


Implement a Strong Team Culture


Foster a positive and inclusive team culture where individuals feel like they belong. A sense of belonging can significantly reduce their temptation to explore other opportunities.


Have Regular Check-Ins


Maintain open lines of communication with your team. Regular one-on-one meetings can help you understand their career aspirations and address any concerns before they consider leaving.


Educate Your Team


Have conversations with your team to discuss the pros and cons of moving departments within your organisation.  You might be able to prevent them from moving, but in some cases, you wouldn’t want to stop them. Be mindful that the timing could impact your own business outcomes or deliveries.


By raising awareness that they could be approached from within the organisation, you can encourage them to be open with you. This will allow them to make an informed choice for themselves, but to keep you in the loop should it happen.


Identify Clear Role Definitions


Ensure that job roles and responsibilities are well-defined and communicated across the organisation. Ambiguity in roles can lead to talent moving between departments.


Give Them a Chance to Shine!


At the end of the day, if they are committed to an internal move, embrace it and support them with the opportunity. Have a comprehensive handover plan and keep in touch to see how they are doing.


This approach may come back and pay you back in the long run. An 'open door' policy is a great approach and good karma is a good thing!


We hope these tips will help you safeguard your team from departmental poaching. They will also create an environment where individuals flourish within their current teams and contribute to the company's overall success.